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Vision Mission Objectives


To enhance the employability skills among the students to meet out the corporate expectations. All the students should get placed in the prospective IT, Core companies.


To create opportunities for the placements, opportunity for each & all students in the job market create a rapport with the industry people.

AIM of PAT (Placement and Training) CELL

  • Placement cell provide guidance to the students for selecting right career path.
  • Assist the students to improve their skills set as per industry need, expectations.
  • PAT Team more connected with the industry team (Technical & Recruitment).
  • Organizing more pre placement seminars, motivational lectures, bringing industry peoples and organizes the technical lectures to transform “How the Curriculum contents applied in Industry”

Training and development

We started training from their first year, started with verbal communication skills and strengthening the student’s confidence to communicate through English, we have a dedicated lab for virtual verbal listening and speaking skills, In the second year of training we concentrate only on aptitude, problem solving skills, in the third year full of technical skill transformation training, based on the students interested domain, full freedom to the students to choose their interested domain and we are supporting them to achieve good heights with good confidence and without stress.

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