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Computer Science and Business Systems

Department Introduction

The Department of Computer Science & Business System (CSBS) was established in the year 2021. The CSBS course has been designed by eminent IT industry experts and academic professionals to meet the growing demand for engineering talent with technology and business skills.

Computer Science and Business Systems (CSBS) program aims to enhance knowledge of cutting-edge technologies and business skills with hands- on experience in order to make students industry-ready.

The department has highly qualified and experienced faculty with specialization in Management studies, IoT, cloud computing, Artificial intelligence, Data science, Machine learning, Deep learning and Business systems.

Computer Science and Business Systems students are trained in the courses corresponding to business and management values in addition to the core computer science and engineering courses and also with emerging technologies.

It provides better knowledge to assess how these technologies can be leveraged to drive innovation and enabling them to stay competitive and adapt to rapidly changing business environments.

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Vision Of The Department

  • To build competent industry ready professionals to largely contribute the society, by imparting the knowledge in the domain of Computer Science and Business Systems with managerial skills, human and social values.
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Mission Of The Department

  • Facilitate the department with world-class computing infrastructure and modern teaching methodologies to produce highly proficient and globally. competent Computer Science and Business System professionals.
  • Motivate the students and faculties in research, innovation and foster them in critical thinking with the moral values in the recent technologies.
  • To nurture lifelong learning practices, knowledge and skills with focus on entrepreneurship research and innovation.
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Curriculum and Syllabus

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