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Masters in business administration

Department Introduction

MBA’s are very productive and play vital role in Producing a large number of industry captains, wealth creators, renowned entrepreneurs, top-rated management academicians and leaders spear heading social causes and working with the underprivileged and the needy.

The program main objective is to develop young men and women into competent professional managers, capable of working in any sector of organized activity, proceeding leadership and achieving excellence in performance while contributing to the welfare of the larger society, Equip students with the required conceptual and interpersonal skills and sense of social purpose for managerial decision-making, develop leadership capabilities to act as change agents and be a source of motivation in the organizations they work in, nurture the desire to excel in performance without compromising integrity.

honesty and fairness through high-impact pedagogical methods, helps the students to develop themselves into top-quality decision makers, conceptual foundations and interpersonal and social skills, built on values of honesty, integrity and a sense of fairness. The students learn to think through managerial issues and decisions in complex, less-structured situations in holistic and multi-disciplinary perspectives to generate and evaluate alternatives and arrive at innovative solutions. In-class discussions, group preparation and presentations, field research and project work prepare the students to meet the challenges of the managerial profession. Different co-curricular and extracurricular activities organized by the students themselves sharpen their organizing abilities, nurture their leadership qualities and polish their social skills.

The Department has excellent infrastructure including an air conditioned seminar hall equipped with LCD projectors and computer with internet facility. Students have access to many books, Management Journals and Magazines in the library. Dedicated campus- wide computer with internet facility provides the opportunity to every student to be in touch with the latest in the information age.

  • MBA
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Vision Of The Department

  • Our department vision is to provide our students with a practical hands-on approach to business management education. Our graduates will possess the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to adapt to a continuously changing business environment. Empowering students through cross functional capabilities to meet the challenges ahead.
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Mission Of The Department

  • To play a vital role in empowering the budding managers as full-fledged professionals with Creativity, Innovation, Self-confidence, Courage and Ethical Standards. To ignite and stimulate the young minds with practical sessions in order to bring out the hidden potential to limelight.
  • To enhance the skill set of future managers in logical and rational decision making thereby making them to contribute more towards our Nation’s well being and growth. To impart and equip the managerial aspirants with dynamic business knowledge to face the future challenges in the tomorrow’s corporate sector.

/Masters in business administration

MBA programme curriculum is designed to prepare the postgraduate students

  • To have a thorough understanding of the core aspects of the business.
  • To provide the learners with the management tools to identify, analyze, and create business opportunities as well as solve business problems.
  • To prepare them to have a holistic approach towards management functions.
  • To inspire and make them practice ethical standards in business.

On successful completion of the programme,

  • Ability to apply the business acumen gained in practice.
  • Ability to understand and solve managerial issues.
  • Ability to communicate and negotiate effectively, to achieve organizational and individual goals.
  • Ability to understand one’s own ability to set achievable targets and complete them.
  • Ability to fulfill social outreach.
  • Ability to take up challenging assignments.
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Curriculum and Syllabus

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S.NoLab Name
1Business Application Software Laboratory
2Communication Laboratory
3Internet Laboratory
4Skill Learning Laboratory
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S.NoApplicant Name(s)Inventor Name(s)Title Application No. & Patent Filed DateStatus
1Dr. V. Mohanavel, Dr. M.Ravichandran, Dr. P. Ganeshan, Mr. S. Suresh Kumar, Mrs. S. Jeya Bharathi.Dr. K.Rajan, Dr. K.S.Ashraff Ali, Dr. M.Mohamed Abdul Hafeez, Dr. S. Saravana Kumar, Mr. J.Vairamuthu, Mr. V.Ananda Natarajan, Dr. V. Mohanavel.A System And Method For Monitoring And Processing Wastewater And Rainwater Harvesting In Formal Habitation201941036236 A 20.09.2019Published
2Dr.N. Shankar GaneshN. Shankar Ganesh, S. Mahendiran, D. Manivannan, N. Keerthivarman.Combined Thermodynamic Cycle Based Power Generation System And A Method Thereof201941009276 A 10.03.2019Published
3Dr.N. Shankar GaneshN. Shankar Ganesh, Venkatachari, Srinivas, Maruthamuthu, Ravi kumar, Gunasekairan, Uma MaheswariThermodynamic cycle based power generation system and a method Thereof201741046830 A 27.12.2017Published
4Dr.N. Shankar GaneshDr. K. S. Giridharan,Combined Renewable Energy Based Heat, Power Generation and Cooling System and A Method Thereof201941040473Filed
5Dr.V.Mohanavel, S.Mallikarjunaiah, K.Subbaramaiah, P.Ganeshan, S.Suresh Kumar, S.Rudramoorthy, Anita Titus, M.Umadevi, B.Dhiyanesh, T.Santhana Krishnan.Dr.V.Mohanavel, S.Mallikarjunaiah, K.Subbaramaiah, P.Ganeshan, S.Suresh Kumar, S.Rudramoorthy, Anita Titus, M.Umadevi, B.Dhiyanesh, T.Santhana Krishnan.System and Method for cooking food items201941030758 30.07.2019Filed

List of Mou's

1MoU with Voltech, Chennai – Internship for Students, Training for Faculty members.
2MoU with BGR Energy Ltd, Chennai –Internship for Students, Training for Faculty members.
3MoU with KKM Soft, Chennai–Software Training for Students, Training for Faculty members.
4MoU with Emerald Resilient Tyre Manufacturers – Placement for students
5MoU with Caparo Engineering Private Limited – Placement for students

S.NoAcademic YearProject CodeTitle of the ProjectStudent NameGuide NameAmount Rs.
12018-2019EME - 020Chainless bicycle using kinematic inversionsN.Pushparaj, G.PuviarasanDr.N.Shankarganesh7500/-
22017-2018EME - 020Automatic signal alerting, alarming and braking system for trains using machine vision techniqueR.Vignesh, B.Sankar, V.PavithraProf.S.Mahendiran10000/-

S.NoProject TitleFunding AgencyDurationAmount ReceivedFaculty involvedStatus
1Grant for Organizing ConferenceTNSCST2017-201820000Dr.N.ShankarganeshCompleted
2Grant for Organizing ConferenceAICTE2019-2020500000Dr.N.ShankarganeshIn progress
3Effective teaching Strategies in Engineering Education (STTP)AICTE2019-2020227000Dr.N.ShankarganeshIn progress
4MODROBSAICTE2018-2019450000Dr.N.ShankarganeshExpert Evaluation Completed
5RPS- Research Promotion SchemeAICTE2018-20192475000Dr.N.ShankarganeshExpert Evaluation Completed
6GOC - Grant for Organizing ConferenceAICTE2018-2019500000Dr.N.ShankarganeshExpert Evaluation Completed
7STTP – Short Term Training ProgramAICTE2018-2019300000Dr.N.ShankarganeshExpert Evaluation Completed
8Solar driven cogeneration system for low temperature applicationsTNSCST2019-2020528000Prof. S.MahendiranAwaiting
9Eco Friendly Solar Energy Driven Power Generation SystemTNSCST2019-2020488000Dr.N.Shankar GaneshAwaiting
10Development and Experimental Analysis of a Novel Kalina Power Station Suitable for Low Temperature ApplicationsASEAN2018-20191521000Dr.N.Shankar GaneshAwaiting
11Experimental investigation of improved solar powered Kalina power system at Indian climatic conditionsSERB2018-20193206310Dr.N.Shankar GaneshAwaiting

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